what i can help you with?

Immune support

No matter where you are at, whether it be to build the immune system, fight off an infection or aid recovery.

womens health

Be it irregular periods, PMS, PCOS or recurrent thrush and urinary tract infections.

gut health

Aiding relief from IBS, constipation or diarrhoea, through to food intolerances and soo much more.

stress & fatigue

Our lives are busy and constant, and stress is inevitable, but we can work to reduce how it impacts you body.

skin health

This may be things such as acne and eczema, to name just a few.

Mental health

Whether it be support along side existing treatments or the start of your journey back to balance.


1:1 Naturopathic Consultations

Working together one to one, we develop a personalised plan, addressing the underlying causes of imbalance, to move you towards your specific goals.

I offer both online consultations and face to face consults in Selby, Victoria


modalities used:

  • Herbal medicine - as supplements, liquids or tea

  • Nutritional medicine

  • Diet modification

  • Homoeopathics

  • Flower Essences

  • Lifestyle including stress management and movement

  • Functional pathology testing

consultation types


initial consult $160


Your initial consult will be conducted via video conferencing or face to face in Selby Victoria and goes for 60 - 70 minutes.

Return consult $90


For existing clients only. This is a follow up consult that goes for 30 - 40 minutes.

acute Consult $75


Available to new and existing clients.

This is a 20 minute consult where I can support you when you are in the midst of a cold, support for gastro or hayfever symptom relief.

*Based on your individual presentation a longer consult may be advised to properly address the issue/ concern.