
in person Stress & Anxiety workshop

Learn natural approaches to Stress & Anxiety.

This workshop focus' on 3 key pillars that you can begin with right away

  1. Diet - food to nourish our nervous system and mind

  2. Breathing techniques you can use on the spot to calm the nervous system

  3. Sleep - tips and tricks to set up for a restorative nights sleep

With these pillars as your foundations, and a few extra tools at your disposal, you will have the knowledge and practical skills to help:

  • Feel more calm, centred and grounded

  • Lower cortisol levels

  • Support a good nights sleep


Where: Ranges Integrative Health Studio, 125 Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Selby VIC 3159

When: Saturday 2nd March 2024

What time: 10 am

How long: 90 minutes

Cost: $19


Coming soon

Online Stress & Anxiety workshop