Important details & FAQ’s

  • Where am I located?

    Both online and face to face consultations are available.

    Face to face consults are offered from Ranges Integrative Health in Selby, Victoria, Australia.

  • how are consults run/ done?

    The consult is conducted via a video conference platform. When you make a booking a confirmation email, containing the link to our virtual consultation room.

  • What might My treatment/ prescription look like?

    There are a number of different modalities that Naturopaths can use, the specific combination will depend on what is going on for you at the time and is likely to change and be modified across the time working together.

  • Is there anything i need to do before our first consult?

    Yes, before our first session, please complete the new client questionnaire and return it to me, ideally 48 hours before, to allow time for me to review in preparation for our time together.

    Some of the critical information to include are:

    • Any medication or supplements including brand, dosage and frequency

    • Attach copies of any blood test results performed within the last 6 months

    • Record a typical days diet, one day during the week and one day of the weekend, if they are different… for many people they are!

    Choose a location where you are comfortable and can talk freely and ideally quiet and away from distractions.

    A good internet connection will also help us focus on the important stuff… you!

  • How do i get my prescription?

    There are several online supplement dispensaries (eg, Oborne, Ariya Helath) that ship Australia wide.

    Supplements will be supplied by the online supplement dispensary called, following our consult (within 48 hours) your account will be updated with the recommended product. You can then purchase and have them delivered to your door.

    For any liquid herbal blends, Aryia health will make these up and ship them to your door also.

    *Supplements and liquid herbs are not included in the consultation price.

  • can you do pathology or functional testing?

    Yes, depending on the type of test we are looking at there are a few options.

    I can liaise with your GP outlining the testing we are interested in, so it can go through Medicare for bulk billing.

    There is also an extensive range of testing that does not require a GP referral, such as testing for thyroid function, hormones, stool and other gut testing etc.

    These tests are ordered online and paid by the client, directly to the pathology lab. Test kits are often sent to you, to be completed by you and returned to the lab.

    Results are then sent to myself and discussed at our next consult.

    *Testing is not included in the cost of the consult.

  • Cancellation policy

    We require at least 24 hours notification for cancellation or reschedule.

    No show or late cancellation the full consultation fee will not be refunded.

    For more detail see our Terms & Conditions

  • Are Naturopathy sessions covered by private health insurance?

    Unfortunately no, from April 1 2019, private health rebates are no longer applicable for naturopathy consultations.