Evie Lynch Evie Lynch

The lost art of Convalescence

The lost art of Convalescence!

Taking time to rest and recover after being sick or unwell.

Sounds great, but why is it soo damn hard to actually do, and why you really need to!

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Evie Lynch Evie Lynch

Making (Health) Changes Stick - Part 2: Pitfalls and what to do about them

How to stick to your health goals and achieve the health benefits you desire.

Whether you are making diet changes, wanting to making healthier choices or breaking a lifestyle habit that is no longer serving you. The road will twist and turn and there may even be times you want to stop. Let this give you a new perspective on making change and how to work with some of the most common pitfalls on the journey.

Here in Part 2: Pitfalls and what to do about them - we talk about some of the biggest pitfalls I see and what you can do to set yourself for the best opportunity for success.

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Evie Lynch Evie Lynch

Making (Health) changes stick - PART 1: Understanding the challenges of making change for improved health

How to stick to your health goals and achieve the health benefits you desire.

Whether you are making diet changes, wanting to making healthier choices or breaking a lifestyle habit that is no longer serving you. The road will twist and turn and there may even be times you want to stop. Let this give you a new perspective on making change and how to work with some of the most common pitfalls on the journey.

In Part 1: Understanding the challenges of making change for improved health - I take you through some of the challenges to achieving you health goals and what may be a unique way of looking at change.

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